Emotional Support Therapy Dog
Emotional Support Therapy Dogs

These dogs support people with a range of psychiatric or intellectual disabilities from post-traumatic stress disorder to depression and anxiety issues.

A therapy dog can help to change the energy in a home, bringing warmth and joy to a stressful home situation. While a therapy dog is unable to change the circumstances and make everything okay, the dog is always present, available and a reliable source of comfort and companionship.

Dogs can lower our blood pressure through touch and contact which can help reduce anxiety symptoms, and calm emotions. Dogs also form a strong bond and have a unique and instinctive way of knowing who needs their attention and affection.

Our Dogs Transform Lives

We’ve seen first hand how our emotional support dogs can transform lives.

Clients who have been too scared to leave home can now head out and about confidently with their therapy dog at their side.

Instead of tantrums and screaming matches, our therapy dogs have also brought calm to anxious children heading to the dentist, doctor’s office or psychologist appointments.




Who Is Suitable?

There is a range of common disabilities or conditions that a therapy dog can support:

Trauma Related Disorders

Conditions can include post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual abuse, domestic violence and bullying.

Mood, anxiety and depression disorders


In order to be prescribed an ‘Emotional Support’ therapy dog the person seeking a dog for this role, must have a verifiable disability.

As part of the application process for an emotional support therapy dog, you will be required to be certified as having an emotional disability by a psychologist, therapist, psychiatrist or other certified mental health professional.


 Therapy Dog Roles

Reading Support Dog

Therapy Dog Role

Disability Support Dog

Therapy Dog Role

Facility Therapy Dog

Therapy Dog Role