Media ArticlesWelcome to the Therapy Dogs New Zealand media area. If you are interested in publishing a story on the work our therapy dogs are doing, then please feel free to contact us.
Over the past 32 years I’ve helped fundraise and train service/therapy dogs for a range of different service dog companies. These articles showcase some of my latest work.
Manawatū support dog gets national recognition for giving owner ability to live independently
Stuff | 30 September 2021
Manawatū teenager Abigail Pratt says she could barely leave her room before she got her support dog Rosie.
Coronavirus: Demand for therapy dogs doubles after lockdown
Stuff | 13 July 2020
Demand for therapy dogs has doubled since the coronavirus lockdown ended. Therapy dogs are specially trained to support people with a range of medical conditions…
A prescription for companionship
Kaiden doesn’t make friends easily. That’s often the way with children with autism spectrum disorder…